13 Year Old Dad = Armageddon?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 12:12AM
itchy i

If you're from outside the UK you might not have heard this story. But then again you might have as I guess this is something the media in other countries would pick up big time. It is definitely a massive topic over here at the moment.

Now this morning i took a photo of the Evening Standard headline board (as i do almost every day - as you will see when i start posting these images as well) Anyway - a minute after taking this photo a young Muslim man came up to me and told me with a knowing smile that the prophet Mohammed has more than 1500 years ago (he actually told me the exact date - but i just forgot with my still half-asleep brain) predicted that the end of the world is neigh when a boy of the age 13 will father a child!

Now I m quite fond of those sorts of stories, especially with the next Armageddon date just around the corner. I m sure you all have heard already about the year 2012-end-of the world theory? (if not click here)

Anyways, does anyone know more about this prophecy I ve heard this morning? Please tell us!

Article originally appeared on itchy i (http://itchyi.squarespace.com/).
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