Hate for (calling them) Heroes 
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 10:55PM
itchy i

Since the beginning of the Iraq and the Afghanistan wars the Sun runs a campaign that calls any British soldier who dies over there a Hero, may it be because he or she died in a battle, was ambushed or shot accidentally by a bored fellow soldier.

Now everyone with a bit of a brain should know by now that the reasons the UK went to war were everything but heroic.

Under the name of fighting terrorists and spreading democracy it really all happend for mere colonial and capitalist interests in securing resources mainly in the form of oil. (Afghanistan is one of the key access points to the Kaspian Sea - which is one of the biggest untapped oil reservours in the world! - and i don't think i need to tell you how much oil is in Iraq - it's an old story)

For people who might not know: The UK doesn't have a military draft system - which means that everyone joining the army completely does so at their own free will. So in the moment you sign up - you sign away your right to complain about the danger it might bring for you. It was YOUR decision! And you also know perfectly well that in case you get killed - you'll leave behind a few really heartbroken people. (I'm sick to see another story about a wife with a little child who lost "Hero Dad!")

So for whatever reason (the queen?, the uniform?, "adventure?", killing humans? money? "something to do"? "education?" "a career?" ) you join the army of this imperialistic country namely United Kingdom - you lose the right to be called Hero forever! Instead they should call you victim of a lying greedy system or maybe just Egotistic Idiot!

And if you now say - you joined the army because you want to help people and safe some lifes - then go and bloody join the Fire Brigade!!!

Here is the link: www.fireservice.co.uk/recruitment

Article originally appeared on itchy i (http://itchyi.squarespace.com/).
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