This is a government ad i had on my door for a year now. It made me almost shiver in disgust of our make-fear society. It came along with a radio ad campaign basically asking EVERYONE to spy on EVERYONE!!!
Very much reminded me of what the Nazis and the East German Government once did to their people - STASI anyone?
I think I was also hurt on a personal level by this ad, becaue it asks to report people who are ODD because they take some pictures of ODD things! So that's ME then, right!?!?!
The government explains that anyone could be a terrorist! They asked that you should report anyone who looks or behaves "suspicious". Even if you're not sure - REPORT IT ANYWAY! The examples they gave where hilarious (or sad?) - f.e. you NEED to report anyone with TWO MOBILE phones - just because terrorists apparently use two mobiles!!!
I was once actually questioned by two undercover anti-terror cops - literally seconds after I took a photo with my mobile of a granny who was getting on a bus (with her trolley of course!) They approached me aggressively asking, why I dared taking a photo of a bus!?! They searched my phone (with a lot of ODD photos on) and my bag and put my details into a database. WTF?!?
I mean, of course there where attacks on buses on the evil 7/7 bomb blasts - but do these cops really think that these terrorists took a photo of a bus beforehand so that they would know how to bomb it!?!
The other day - i saw another add which shows the government is still playing the "rat on your neighbour" game. I d really like to know if the public is buying into that. Are there really people reporting this kind of stuff?
Or another question: Do terrorists REALLY take photos of CCTV cameras!? And if so?! Why?! So that they know where is a good spot to blow up their bombs so the world can see it afterwards?!
Or does the government just want to make the public believe that terrorists are scared of CCTV - hence it is ok to plaster them all over the city to film every second of everyone's life?
I mean if there is one thing that the 7/7 attacks have proven: Nobody with a bag full of explosives can be stopped by a camera!
This is the current ad seen on the tube the other day.
Taking a photo of a CCTV camera brands you as terror suspect! WTF?!