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Entries from April 1, 2009 - April 30, 2009

Before and...Laughter Vol.2

I love those Before and After photos. Especially when they are done so masterfully.

Hospital Robo

First I read that they now introduce RoboCOPS in Hospitals - I got excited a bit too early tho - they only have RoboCAMS. :(

lo*kee - The Last But One

Yes that's right the last but one of the legendary lo*kee gatherings - well in the current venue that is! But lo*kee is moving - so no need to panic! The very last one in this place will happen in only two weeks time! So you gotta hurry if you want a chance to join the fun!

Click here for more photos>>

If you chuck things on the street...

then you might as well do it in style!

What is...

going on here??! Is this a shitty art installation or just a really dangerous sack of sand?