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Entries from April 1, 2009 - April 30, 2009

Ad-ding Reality

When i saw this artwork in Digbeth Birmingham a while ago - i was thrilled - a massive poster-ad depicting just what's behind! So clever! Almost as if turning the wall into a window!

I always hoped to see more of these - but it seemed the artist only ever did this one. Or does any one know more like these?

That's what's on the poster... (the green writing says: "Pointless" - not sure if it comes from the artist himself)

...and that's what's behind.

Multi-Cultural Pigeon Lovers

I just looked through my old photo files and found this photo i took a few years back in Birmingham. It really summed up the multi facetted ethnic mix of the city. 6 languages are needed to make sure that no one feeds those pigeons.

And the funny thing? The pavement was covered in bird food!


Naughty Naughty

Another weekend - another party! This time it was friends' launch night of NAUGHTY in the Vauxhall venue called Lightbox! If itchy i snapped you - you might be in the gallery>>.

Before and....Laughter

I don't know if this is an ad PRO or AGAINST going to a gym?

Dog leads Dog!

So, just after getting so angry and agitated in the article below - a funny photo - of some REALLY ODD things i photographed a while ago. These two "dogs" really were walking themselves!

There was no owner to be seen anywhere! A perfect example why you should always carry a camera with you! :)