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Entries from April 1, 2010 - April 30, 2010

Going Underground

London wouldn't be London without the Tube. As much as many of us hate it - we couldn't do with out it. I am sure many of us have trillions of stories about the many hours we are stuck on it during our days living in this giant molloch of a city.

I just found this great blog by Annie Mole that is filled with tons of info about our number one transport system. Funny photos, geeky facts and loads of interesting trivia. It's all here at London Underground.

Lens Glance of the Day

I think I ll start a new category. I shall post my favourite photos where people look directly into the lens. Which doesn't happen very often - due to my relatively inconspicuous technique - but sometimes it gives it that extra special connection - like in this image here. I love the way the little girl's eyes glance over from behind the abandoned mattress.

Why spending tons on...

design and prints when the good old cardboard, marker pen and parcel tape method works such a treat?

Those were the Days...

when we could be carried around by our parents. And now we're getting to a point where we soon might have to carry our parents.

Dogs Must Stay Outside - Special

For people who don't know, I ve been doing a series about dogs who are left outside shops by their owners, cause they are not allowed to come in.
I once heard that those dogs really go through are hard time as they believe their master would never come back.

After observing many of those fellas I can say some take it with ease, but some REALLY go through hell.
Like this German Shepherd here. He was going crazy, I could hear him literally crying already from miles away.
The owner didn't give a toss that his dog was going bonkers and blocked the shop entrance for ages.