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Entries from April 1, 2010 - April 30, 2010

The Bright(on) Side of Life (Vol. 2)

Yes! I love Brighton for it's bizarre mix of funky student vibe and working class charme. Topped up with the sea, sun and seagul sounds.

Please, please, please, please....

don't cross HERE!!!!

the london i (Vol. 19)

Face in Places

And of course I have been finding some of these gems again. I love discovering them. It fills me with the same happiness that I felt when finding an Easter Egg when I was little.

Election Special Part 4

When I look around the city pretty much all I can see that indicates that there are elections upon us are these cheap tabloidesque posters by the Conservatives.

And in general I find it incredible that when you browse the media you could think there are only three parties to vote for. The other little ones seem to be totally ignored.
And if there hadn't been highly popular live TV debates where the leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg appeared in front of the nation's eyes like a Genee from his bottle - then there would have only been a two horse race.

A race where you don't hope for any of them to win but for one to struggle and fall flat on his airbrushed face.

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