Oh yes, i will never stop taking photos of things that look like weird little phantasy faces.
Man I love these people from Revolution gym - a never ending source of great shitty advertising posters. Please don't stop!
Guys when i saw these photos of Gwon Osang's sculptures I was in awe. And at the same time in disbelief, cause I had the same idea about 10 years ago - creating surfaces of objects made of photo mosaiques of those surfaces.
The only difference is, that HE turned it into reality, while mine is still only up in my head. So respect for that Gwon. Great work!
Dear Fans, yes you might have noticed itchy i was in a coma for a while. My life was a bit of a roller coaster ride the last months (the kinds that make you happy but also realllly sick at times). Well it still is. So bear with me. It will be slowly running up again to former glory.
Peace and Love!
itchy i