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Entries from August 1, 2010 - August 31, 2010

A (Very) Short Story - Vol. 8

Still perplex he screamed "What are you?!" He'd never thought when she said let's go sun bathing, she meant actually bathing INSIDE the sun.

A (Very) Short Story - Vol. 7

He knew already he would like photography. So on the first day he let there be light.

the london i (vol. 31)

"She looked a bit old...

...for a 5-year old girl." That's what I honestly thought when I first saw George Michael on tonight's cover of the Evening Standard.

I find this kind of layout not really helpful when your brain is mashed up by a flue. ;)

A (Very) Short Story - Vol. 6

"Jimi Hendrix just performed his new song. It's amazing! Genetic Engineering isn't ALL that bad!!!" wrote Jack in his tweet from the gig.