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Entries from August 1, 2010 - August 31, 2010

A (Very) Short Story - Vol. 2

"Daddy? What does that button do?" She pressed it. Nothing happened. Apart from the new universe that was born in another dimension.

A (Very) Short Story - Vol. 1

There is this German tweeter he writes little thought provoking stories as tiny as one tweet. 144 signs?

I love the challenge of so few letters and also the way the stories make you wanna read more. Like little cliff hangers.

So I thought I d give it a try too - in English. Here my first one:

"I am so glad we don't have to shave." thought Kevin who was looking into the mirror which was missing his reflection.

The End / The Beginning

Tomorrow another one. ;)

Check out Florian Meimberg on Twitter for his stories. They are only in German though. He is known as tiny_tales.

What a Knob Head?!? ;) 

Coffee Shop Board of Wisdom

When you strip down any million dollar ad campaign to the bare skeleton - then this is the message you get. So why wasting so much money? Buy coffee instead!

Clean Shadow

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