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Entries from August 1, 2010 - August 31, 2010

Bike Murder

First I thought someone was killed here when I passed this bike covered in yellow tape one morning.

But then on closer inspection I saw that I fell for a clever marketing idea. Damn it, just as they intended it!

Little London Fields Festival

Last weekend London gave birth to the loud screaming Little London Fields Festival - in the park with the same name. My friend Scarlet was involved in bringing it to live. She said the whole thing was organised by just a handful of people and a mini budget. With their passion and hard work plus the help of volunteers and bands who played for booze instead of money - they managed to pull of a FREE fun fest that I hope will flourish and grow in the coming years. So the "Little" one will become BIG! But please: Don't grow up!!!

As you can tell from the photos - the Londoners loved it.


Killed for Cash?


Here a few photos taken during my short weekend stay in Britain's so called Second Biggest City: Birmingham.

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