Did you know there is a term for the fear of midgets?! It's called Achondroplasiaphobia. WTF?!
This one is for all music lovers out there. Especially the ones who love Drum and Bass, Hip Hop or Jungle (like me). It tells you about a 6 second long sample taken from a B-Side of a 1969 hit-single by a Funk and Soul combo called The Winstons. It is regarded as the one defining piece of music responsible for the creation of a whole subculture and music genres like, well you've guessed it: Hip Hop, Jungle and Drum and Bass.
The break called "Amen Break" was named after the song it was taken from: "Amen Brother".
Since the development of electronic sampling technologies in the early 1980s the Amen Break has been used in 1000s of songs and adverts. And with probably being the most sampled beat of all time has manifested itself as one of the most important 6 seconds in modern music history.
The Winstons never claimed any royalties, or fame. Almost nobody even knows that they indirectly invented a huge part of modern music culture. This fact really makes them True Musical Heroes to me.
You surely remember OK Go's last genius music video where they spent the entire length of the song doing crazy stunts on four treadmills.
Similar to that classic they now released a new video for their track "This too shall pass" which was also shot in one unedited take directed by Brian L. Jenkins.
It's quirky and surprising. Just one of those little innocent unpretentious creative masterpieces that see the light of day by far too seldom.
And I really dig that song too, of course. Just a perfect combination of sound and vision.
OK Go - This Too Shall Pass from OK Go on Vimeo.
We Germans call someone a Proll who for example drives all day around the same block in the hipster-district to show off his Ferrari that daddy bought him for his 21st. I m not sure how to call someone who buys a mobile phone that looks like a Ferrari. Something that starts with an L and rhymes with booser maybe?