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Entries from January 1, 2010 - January 31, 2010

You never know...

...these days, if this is a new "crazy" off-the-wall-ooh-let's-try-to-be-different-ad campaign or just pure vandalism combined with the common lazy-hearted attitude to fix things in this country.

Atomic Tree

What a strong image! An old tree and the mushroom of a nuclear explosion. Isn't it bizarre how beautiful both are?
I believe both resemble the incarnation of what some people describe as the power of God. It shows the two opposed facettes of the universe - good and evil - and that both can be perceived as perfectly beautiful in their own rights.

But it also shows how similar the most different objects can be in a purely geometrical way. Which is a clear indicator for the idea that the universe follows one ultimate set of laws: The laws of Maths. Or to put it in other words: God is Maths = Maths is God.

Face in a Place of the Day

Wrapped Wrecked Bicycle 

I found this a few weeks before Christmas. I couldn't quite believe what I saw - that someone spent ages to Christmas-wrap a whole bike skelleton! It didn't make sense to me - and that's why I loved it!

Little Reminder

Found this sign in my favourite bar in Berlin the other night. Made me laugh.