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Entries from July 1, 2010 - July 31, 2010

Lens Glances of the Day.

These are actually from yesterday. Direct hits of the visual kind. This little selection reminds me again how much I love living in London with such an interesting varsity of people.

(taken with my iPhone and the Hipstamatic app)

Something tells me...

...that someone lacked a bit of artistic talent when patching up the speed sign here. It's a bit of a Style Clash.

Lending Two Eyes

Not only as a photographer the idea of not being able to see is unbearable. I wouldn't know what to do without my two working eyes.

Yesterday morning I saw a tube worker helping a blind man down the stairs. I thought "How nice of him!"

A few hundred metres down the road at my bus stop I saw the two again. The tube worker made that extra effort to bring the blind man to his next travel point. It really touched my heart. And re-freshed my hope in mankind a little.

Thank you tube worker! :)


From Dusk till Yawn

French Correction

This is the Black Board outside the Coffe@Goswell Road around the corner from me. Every morning they have a different message on it. And I take a photo of it.

Like yesterday:

And today:

Made me smile.

I guess not many people speak French around here - except the one person who corrected it maybe. So throughout today they changed to this a bit more mass compatible one: