I saw this lady on my way to work this morning. It amused me how the whole time she stuck to the most possible left side of the pavement. She was drawn to it like if she was metal and the walls magnetic. I wondered why she seems to have that habit. Maybe she was shy and doesnt like to look people in their faces. Or maybe she just feels safer there?
I took this photo on Saturday. I was on the way to a surprise adventure tour through London for my birthday. We had to walk through the West End which almost completely was shut off for the Gay Pride Parade. Even on the usually super busy Piccadilly Circus was no traffic to be seen. The main parade was over already when I snapped this Drag artist who's costume seemed to have suffered durign the actions of the day.
I loved the way she was trying to hide from the public view while her shoe was being repaired - a plan that my photo most obviously had slightly disrupted.
...that's where this guy seemed to have been. I really wished I could have read what was going on in his mind.