Yes! If you register your Oyster Card or even if you pay for it with your bankcard, TfL can track every journey you took during the last 8 weeks! Where you started it - where it ended - what time you used it. And the Police loves using their data too. Lovely innit?
The only chance to escape this is by using no Oyster at all - which of course is by far more expensive - or don't register it and of course don't pay for it with your bankcard. Or, well (see what I did there?)... live somewhere else than in London!
This was once the view from my kitchen window. Someone sprayed "Sex" onto the wall. It was there for months. I found it really fascinating to think about the reason - why would you spray that? Sex. Just Sex. No exclamation mark. Nothing. Just sex. I always thought about spraying a question mark to it. And then I had the idea of taking photos of the most interesting characters passing by those letters everyday. All sorts of ages and religions - I thought what a great juxtaposition. Especially with Religion Sex still seems to be such a tabu topic. Of course as we all know a really hypocritical and outdated approach.
Unfortunately just a few days after starting the project the council cleaned the wall. Koitus interruptus that was.
Seats of all kind somehow end up on the streets - most off them to be thrown away they always look like homeless vagabounds to me. Poor fellas.
Click here for a big selection of my Street Seats series which of course belongs to my Silly City Project.