Man, this will be remembered forever. Some people call it the best party of the year! And it defnit had the crowds raving in the perfect sunshine! lo*kee's new outside venue in an old industrial yard - surrounded by a concrete wall with barbwire (reminded me of the Berlin Wall a bit).
My highlights:
1. When I asked the Ice Cream Van Man if he could play his ice cream van music. And then to hear the masses cheer when that funny sound mixed with the techno beats.
2. When after a 10 minute loooong powercut the music suddenly started to play again. The crowds loved it!!
3. The little beach area - just needs a puddling pool!!
4. To see the two chavs peeping over the wall from the outside - standing on their bicycles.
Although i couldnt stay till the end I m sure it was a full success (AGAIN) for the lo*kee crew. It is defnit on my 2-weekly agenda from now on. And in case it will rain - they have an indoor option too.
glow-in-the-dark-worms from this dude who lives near a nuclear plant!!! What a (radio active) waste!
Is he trying to tell us to stop throwing so much stuff away?
I told you!!! He wants to tell us something! Found another one!
And what about this one here - does he wanna tell us to stop BUYING too much shit too?!
As an artist you should always think about the way you make people look at your work. I personally love it when art achieves to entertain you, puts a smile on your face or a frown, makes you think and generally just opens your eyes to discover a whole new world.
A few weeks ago I stumbled into the "Eyecandy '09" exhibition held in a gallery space in the Truman Brewery in Brick Lane. And when I saw Lisa Swerling's Glass Cathedral boxes I thought she must feel exactly the same way.
She created mini-mini puppets which she displayed behind or on top of glass boxes. I really loved the way you had to get really close to see these miniture people which where smaller than your fingertips. The combination of this near-microscopic endeavouring and her funny sometimes thought-provoking messages made me feel like I was a scientist with a magnifying glass walking through an undiscovered land.
Surely something I will remember for a very long time.
Check out Lisa's webpage. www.glasscathedrals.com
...that I shouldn't order my Wedding Cake from these guys here.