Wow! When i watched this (and you HAVE to watch the full length!) I got a really sick feeling. It was as if I could see the future - a dark one. I mean it really reminded me of Terminator! This is a video of a robot that totally successful can walk independently through the toughest terrain - even on ice! At one point someone kicks him in the side - and the robot manages with ease to tackle the impact without falling over. Scary!
When you look closer - he is loaded with four army backpacks!
Here is another example how amazing the robot technology has become in mimicking animal moves - this time pretenting to be a fish. Really convincing too!
And here is one robot developed by Toyota that actually manages to play the violin! Not very good - but still much better than probably the most of us.
What really makes me wonder about these developments is - where is the limit? I know there isn't one. Man will only stop when it has made all Android Science Fiction a reality. I mean look at this video of an robotic exoskeleton which gives you superpowers.
Creating the human robot is only a question of time. And by the looks of it - not much time. You might say - well you can't create emotions. And that's the bit that scares me the most. The Super Soldier - no feelings - no fear - no mercy - unbeatable. Hope he won't one day look like Arnold Schwarzenegger!
...do you need to get removed so you might consider buying stuff like this? Or which parts of your testicles?
What have I done in the last 12 weeks?
I bought myself a new suit which was a few numbers too small - so that when i squeeze my fat beer belly inside and stop breathing for a few seconds it looks a little like i've lost some weight.
I always knew it! White Van drivers are a gift sent from God! The MAN with a VAN - where does he move your home to? Straight to Heaven? And only for 20 quit?!?! Wow.