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Entries from September 1, 2009 - September 30, 2009

Let there be Milk Bottles!

And then there was...Light.

Seen today in my favourite re-opened cafe down in Goswell Road. What a brill idea! I'm loving this place. You gotta come and support them! Goswell Road corner to Lever Street (London that is).

Face in a Place of the Day:

 It's a Carnival one. :0)


Notting Hill Carnage!

I know it's been a few weeks now since the amazing parade hit London Town (always on the last weekend in August). It was an intense experience, seldom you see so many people in the capital crammed into little roads - over such a huge area.

The air between Portobello Road and Ladbroke Grove was full of noise from all sorts of music types, all sorts of smells and of course the smoke from the many jerk chicken stalls.

Two days of happy celebrating, dancing on the street and squeezing through the hundreds of thousands fellow human beings - also left its toll though. Next to many smiles a lot of knackered, lost souls and a completely trashed city were left behind.

I believe it's something you should experience at least once for yourself. I decided I want more of it next year. I loved it!


Face in a Place of the Day:

I wondered if she was a stripper...

...going to work?