after the Germans' Second World War Strategy that wiped out half of Europe in no-time. Fast and Clean! For optimum shite.
...I really wanted to know what it tastes like. Something like garlic, onion and red cabbage I expect. But I was mostly curious about how these guys faked the taste of undercooked old "meat"-stuff that comes from an undefinable bizarre mix of animal left-overs?
...Souvenir shops - booooring useless shit (just been to a Scotland holiday recently). But then I saw this guy - and he tells it all. Well not really telling, but you know what I mean.Thanks dude, you saved me a lot of rambling.
Oooops because, i noticed i posted the last face already before. You might think that's because i run out of them. Wrong!! I m just turning a little senile, that's all. *phew*
So here are few more for the inconvenience: