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Entries by itchy i (730)

I wonder which part of your brain... you need to get removed so you might consider buying stuff like this? Or which parts of your testicles?

Face in a Place of the Day:

Ooooooaaah. Isnt he just?!

Before and...Laughter! (Vol. 4)

What have I done in the last 12 weeks?

I bought myself a new suit which was a few numbers too small - so that when i squeeze my fat beer belly inside and stop breathing for a few seconds it looks a little like i've lost some weight.

Who is driving the car?!?! Is it really HIM?!?!

 I always knew it! White Van drivers are a gift sent from God! The MAN with a VAN - where does he move your home to? Straight to Heaven? And only for 20 quit?!?! Wow.

Let there be Milk Bottles!

And then there was...Light.

Seen today in my favourite re-opened cafe down in Goswell Road. What a brill idea! I'm loving this place. You gotta come and support them! Goswell Road corner to Lever Street (London that is).