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Entries from August 1, 2009 - August 31, 2009

Face in Place of the Day

Great stuff - someone saw the same as me in that bin - a wicked face! And that someone even gave it a make over...Brilliant!!

Here the bin face as I ve seen it ages ago...

...and here seen another improved bin face a short while ago.

Bad Bed

When you're tired just don't bother making it home to bed first - just pass out wherever you want. It's your country in the end. Plus safety, frozen body parts and dignity are so much over-rated anyhow. Although that said - in our society you never know: maybe THAT is your home.

Face in Place of the Day

Every day a new Face in a Place.

Click here for more>>

Erotic Clothes

I love the fact that the guy in the back who walks into the sex shop really looks like a guy who walks into a sex shop. The trenchcoat, the baseball cap - so authentic he could be a character from a cheap comedy programme.

Bye, Bye Capt'n!

Shame for him. Two hundred years ago he could have been an ok looking pirate with a fashion statement, but right now he's just a weirdo with a dog on his shoulder.