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Take it easy, Rider!

He almost got a ticket for being too slow, oh the irony!One the funniest and most touching stories i read in a long while: Stanley Murphy a 90year old scooter rider took a wrong turn and suddenly ended up on this 3-lane A-road - where cars normally speed with 70mph. The article says that "confused" Stan didnt know how he turned up there. Motorists called the police who then helped him getting home saying that they were unlikely to take any action against him.

*phew*so glad for good ol' Stanny. The thought they might lock him up with all the other rapists, thieves and bankers nearly broke my heart.

But the most interesting thing about this whole story is - that those electric scooters aren't naturally forbidden on those kind of roads - all you need is a number plate and a tax stamp!!! How cool!?! I sooo gonna get a scooter now!

(Article is from the London Lite Newspaper, 27 Feb 2009)

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Reader Comments (2)

I don’t know if I can post my photo here successfully. Hopefully it would work.
One of the coolest things I ever had in London last year probably is one day on my bus ride to west end, I ever saw an ATV on the road near Marble Arch!

March 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterYvonne

Good catch. Some drivers just seem to be "special". I d kind of expect to see one of those ATVs (photo added above) in the countryside, but at Marble Arch seems slightly odd. I think we all should try taking photos of weird vehicles on the road! I m sure we can find some more oddballs. :)

March 8, 2009 | Registered Commenteritchy i

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