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Entries from April 1, 2012 - April 30, 2012

Tabloid Revelations

I saw these brilliant stickers by artist imbue the the other day near Brick Lane, East London. He altered the name of two aweful British papers The Sun and Hello! Magazine. l  I actually didnt know him until now. He is BRILLIANT! Check out his many other works on

The Past was not Black and White

Believe it or not there are people who believe that the past actually looked black and white - and I mean not just on photographs but the actual world at the olden days itself. A fact that shows how strong the perception of our past is made from looking at old black and white photos and films. 

I have just discovered these stunning colorisations of iconic photographs. Whoever did these well crafted manipulations here has done such a great job that I find it very easy to believe that they could have been the real deal.

However the idea of turning black and white photos into coloured ones is not new and started way before the magic of Photoshop was discovered. Infact I remember an old coloured-in portrait from the 1920s hanging on my grandma's wall showing a beautiful blonde woman that had slightly amateurish yellow painted hair and hand drawn red lips.

For quite some time I wondered if there would ever be a software "clever" enough to automatically turn a black and white image into a coloured one - just by analysing the grey-values of the photos. Or would it be impossible because there would be way too much room for interpretation and guessing and it would probably always require the artistic and historic interpretaion of a human manipulator?

C(r)ash C(o)urse

Made me happy to see this little protest/awareness gorilla action on the Barclay's cash machine on City Road, East London the other day.

The Little House

There are quite a few new buildings mushrooming in my neighbourhood around Old Street in East London. And every time I pass by this little house I feel a bit sorry for it.

It reminds me of a children's book I once read where a little house during its lifetime sees the whole environment evolving from countryside to big city.

In the book the house then feels sad and lonely being surrounded by all these new high concrete blocks. But luckily the old owner comes to the rescue and takes it back to the country side.

I somehow doubt that the same will happen to this building here. But I am really curious what will happen to it. Will it have a chance to surive? I will keep you posted.

Super creative use of long-exposure Photography


itchy i reader Bob sent me a link to this video. It shows a totally different take on long exposure photography.

In the film they show you a screen that plays a video of seemingly mad pixels making nothing else than a visual noise similar to an un-tuned TV set. But if you take a still camera and take a long exposure of that video you will see that those pixels only SEEMED chaotic. The photograph taken during the length of the whole video reveals that every pixel that appeared - even if it only showed up for a few brackets of a second at a time - was actually part of an image. An image that only became visible to us when the camera "collected" every single pixel of it.

If that doesn't make sense to you - then just watch the video - it's a brilliant new way of showing you the mostly unpredictable marvels of long exposure photography.

Thanks, Bob, for sending me such a great video. Keep 'em coming! :)