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Entries from November 1, 2009 - November 30, 2009

Face in a Place of the Day

Pasting the Past 

The Past is in your hand: I discovered a blog yesterday with these brilliant photos. Unfortunately it didn't say who took them. So sadly I can't credit anyone for them. But I love the idea! I found a group on flickr that dedicated itself to taking photos in the same style. It is called "Looking into the Past". If you like it go check them out here>>

What a Dick!

Seriously, if I m fascinated by one thing in this country then it is the hen-night culture.

No one even seemed to have noticed the meter long pink blow-up penis between her legs - and I ve got a feeling it's because she also wears that "funny" pink hair thingy at the same time. Which clearly translates as "It's ok, it's a hen night, we're just being silly, I wouldn't normally run around with a 3ft willy - not in public at least". Class act!

Holy Moly!!!

Didn't know that Monks are such attention-seekers when they are driving!

Face in a Place of the Day