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Entries from August 1, 2012 - August 31, 2012

Faces in Places from Berlin :)

Greetings from Berlin

Here are some photos from my very short trip to Berlin a few weeks ago. Normally I spend at least 2 summer weeks in my beloved hometown - but this time I only really had two nights to re-explore it. But it was enough to remind me why I love this city so much.

Secret Garden Party 2012 - Mud'n'Roll, Baby!

I love festivals like Secret Garden Party - I love them because they are full of the most beautiful things that humans can come up with. Music, art and amazing food for bellies and thoughts in a fantasy world that only lasts for a few days.

You jump into the rabbit hole and see where it takes you.

I also love festivals because apart from the incredible silly fun to be had you often encounter the slightly blue and melancholic moments in life. When the party is over, the energy levels have dropped to nil, all friends are lost somewhere in the midst if the hullabaloo, the mud sucked up your shoes and your last will to carry on.

But of course everyone who ever went to a festival knows that's just part of the festival spirit - without these highs and lows it would not be a proper memorable festival experience. It is this super intense contrast of ups and downs that I find so incredibly inspiring to photograph.

(Re)touching lives through photos

This is a beautiful story of a group of photo retouchers who decided to help victims of the 2011 Tsunami in Japan by rescuing photos that had been nearly destroyed by the water and mud.

100s of people who normally make skinny models even skinnier with their Photoshop wizardry joined together to save 10.000s of images  and thereby giving back hope to people who might have lost everything else in their lives.

It is a great story that shows that many people love helping other people in need and are jumping at the chance to contribute with their skills to make the world a happier place and to give their own existences a much deeper meaning.

Video-Camera records 1 Trillion Images per Second

Yap you heard correct. One trillion photos recorded in just one second! In order to slightly understand the capability of such a device I give you one example.

The above photo of a bullet shooting through an apple was taken in 1964 - it was created with an exposure that only lasted 1 millionth of a second. Now 50 years later we have a camera that is 1 million times faster.

It is so fast it can film individual particles of light "flying" through space - or through a cola bottle in the case of the experiment shown in the fascinating video at the bottom of this article. It is mindboggling to see how light moves and scatters when it makes it way through the water filled bottle.

And to top this the scientist Ramesh Raskar reveals that this stunning device is even able to "see" around corners.

This is truly groundbreaking technology and makes me wonder what we will be able to do in another 50 years time.

Watch this video and witness history.