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Here a few photos taken during my short weekend stay in Britain's so called Second Biggest City: Birmingham.

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Reader Comments (1)

Since there are no comments for this particular journal perhaps I should try and contribute to this excellent blog, kindly presented to the world by a super-duper photographer and a visual artist extrordinaire Stefan Klenke.

I love Stefan's visual take on things. It's rich, it's provocative, it's urban and it's got depth, without it ever feeling pretentious nor boastful. His work makes me silently ponder on so many things: the overcrowded city life, the seeming care-free attitude of 'odd' urban characters; or the open space of distant horizons and the mystical beauty of the enchanted forests.

As a fellow visual artist I totally salute his work and hope that perhaps before too long we put some of it to some serious commercial use. What do you say Stefan?

September 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterZiggy Tashi

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