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That's why Avatar sucks

When I watched Avatar I felt robbed of 2 and a half hours of my life. I got in dispute over my deeply felt dislike of it's shallow uninventive story line with quite a few people who surprisingly thought it was a good movie.

I think everyone who is a fan of the film should watch this video here. And everyone who hates Avatar should watch it too, cause it EXACTLY tells you why Cameron should be punished for his calculated predictable cash-oriented Hollywood script writing.

The guy - Mike Stoklasa - who does the video review is a genius in the disguise of his fictional creation of Mr Pinkett - a fat wife beating redneck. You gotta check this dude's work out for his great comedy value but also for his in-depth well oberserved and researched analysis. I like how he sums the who movie up as being in 3D while all the characters remained one dimensional. It really hits the nail on the head - a nail that should be the last in the coffin of Cameron's movie scripting career.

And if you like Mike's work check out for more brilliant reviews where he destroys George Lucas' Star Wars - The Phantom Menace and quite a few Star Trek movies.

This is stuff I would make part of any Film School Schedule - entertaining but also very educational. Best combo ever.

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Reader Comments (4)

no one cares what you say, thats why you are posting your opinions on a BS website

June 20, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteranon

Is it possible that you liked Avatar?

June 20, 2010 | Registered Commenteritchy i

Thanks itchyi, I haven't seen Avatar but I really enjoyed this guys observant seems the film fits the usual prescriptive formula of many Hollywood action blockbusters - thanks for sharing with us :)

June 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEllie Gibbons

I smell some butthurt Avatar fanboys posting comments. Get over it. This movie sucked and you suck for liking it.
Also, thank you for posting this video here. I loved it!

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSpencer

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