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Entries by itchy i (730)

Abandoned Beauties

Picture by Kevin BaumanI stumbled across a great photo project by a photographer called Kevin Bauman. He photographed 100 abandoned houses he found in the neigbourhoods of Detroit. Apperently this wasn't difficult as the city is going through a rough economical period which caused a lot of people to move away from once healthy neigbourhoods. More than 12.000 homes are awaiting their judgement day.

Although it is a very sad fact - I always felt there is something exceptional beautiful about abandoned places - i believe one can feel the energy and the spirits of the people who once lived and worked there - something that Kevin has masterfully managed to capture in his photos.

Have a look on

 Picture by Kevin Bauman

Picture by Kevin Bauman

Gloves and Forks

 My friend's red gloves and 2 black forks from the O2-arena's catering. What a strangely beautiful arrengement, isn't it?

Heart FM

Saw this a while ago. Not sure if the owner of the car felt any love when he came back and saw his antenna turned into this.

Ready for the Summer!!!

Our prayers have been heard! Don't be afraid of sweating in overcrowded tubes no more! Transport for London has finally invested in a new heat-beating Air Conditioning System! Thanks soooo much!

What's Dolp Lundgren up to these days?

Ah yea! Thought so! He has finally managed to work his way up to ...aeh... play someone holding a gun half naked! Well done Buddy!