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Entries by itchy i (730)

100 Year old Lens gets new body

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this photo. It just raised the question: What the heck happened here?!

Cameraman and Photographer Timur Civan needed to create a Vintage look for an upcoming photo project. But instead of shooting expensively on medium format cameras or using Photoshop trickery he had his camera-technology-friend building him one of the most awkward looking camera set-ups I have ever seen.

His friend had found a really rare lens from around 1908 (Wollensak 35mm F5.0 Cine-Velostigmat). He managed to mount it on a Canon 5D MarkII and it worked as you can see here on these photos.

As a fan of the old vignette look I really like the feel this old lens gives the photos. Of course it is something that you could achieve in seconds using photo software that is even available on mobile phones these days. But knowing it was achieved by one of the oddest couples in photographic history makes it extra special.

Read the full story here.


Everything will be all - light

"Alright mate? What you up to to tonight?"
"Thinking of throwing some light onto that street down there, maybe."
"Ah wicked, sounds like fun. Mind if I join you?"
"Sure, bro, sure."

iPad - it FINALLY has a use

© All rights reserved by BERG StudioComing up with a brand new idea is one of the most difficult tasks any creative can set him- or herself.

I believe one trick is to think of old techniques and mix them with brand new technology. This is what the creative heads from BERG design consultancy have done. They created photographic long term exposures using Apple's iPad.

"We use photographic and animation techniques that were developed to draw moving 3-dimensional typography and objects with an iPad. In dark environments, we play movies on the surface of the iPad that extrude 3-d light forms as they move through the exposure. Multiple exposures with slightly different movies make up the stop-frame animation."

I think they are the first to put the iPad to some real use - other than making you look stupid when playing a motion controlled racing game in a packed tube.

This video really gives you a great insight into the realisation of their idea and also shows you the animated movie - which I believe is really something new.

Making Future Magic: iPad light painting from Dentsu London on Vimeo.

They have also published a book MAKING FUTURE MAGIC with these stunning stills which you can buy here.

I saw the Pope today.

The Longest Photographic Exposures in History - Add on

A short while ago I wrote an article about the longest photograhic exposures in history. More than half a million people read this story within just 4 weeks.

Following the tremendous success of this article I got in touch with the artist Michael Wesely - the creator of the incredible images - which had up to 3 years time to expose.

Read the whole article and the addition here - plus see more of those incredible images of course.

© Michael Wesely, 7 August 2001-7 June 2004 The Museum of Modern Art, New Yor

© Michael Wesely