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Entries by itchy i (730)

Election Special Part 5

Looking at this scene here one could fear that poor old Andy might have had a terrible accident - maybe even self inflicted after watching the last life TV debate? That would be another seat less for Labour I guess.

Or maybe he just soiled his pants when he saw the last polls?

We love lo*kee

What an amazing night?! The 2nd Birthday of my favourite London party was an incredible success.
A packed steaming hot warehouse full of happy smiley people - what more can you want for your anniversary?

I shall post the photos here very soon. So please check again in a bit.

Peace and Love!

itchy i



Down is on the Up

Such a simple idea which makes me think why have I never seen this done before? Bruton Stroube turns his model upside down and then takes their photos.

Looks so grippingly awkward!

Check out his series Upside Downy Faces.


the london i (Vol. 22)

Can you imagine...

the noise levels in their flat?!