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Entries by itchy i (730)

Election Special Part 3

This is so far the only prove of the Liberal Democrat campaign that I have noticed. It was a tiny sticker on top of a bin.

the london i (Vol 17) Dogs of the Week

There is something quite strange going on in London I noticed. Dogs are either the really tiny ones or the big evil ones that look like childface eater dogs from tabloid newspaper headlines back in the 1990s. The latter ones are actually spreading like a desease in the UK being held as weapons to gain respect on the streets. It's sickening!

A bit of Street Art

Election Special Part 2

I loved how a Labour supporter tried to conter the million (?) pound Saatchi&Saatchi ad campaign by the Torries.

I just wished he would have had a bit more knowledge about the English Language.

And please let this be 

the last Dead Umbrella of the season!!!