One things is for granted: Not the Force but Star Wars will always be with us - somehow. It is probably one of the biggest fattest media-cows in the known universe and will be milked for generations to come! They'll always come up with something that keeps you hooked or makes you hooked - and spend some of your hard earned on it.
And you know what? - I love it!
Especially when it is as brillant as the latest offering in form of "Star Wars - A Musical Journey". Hosted by the O2 arena for 2 days only it incorporated the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra playing some specially compiled music by the master John Williams. It all was visually enriched by emotional video compilations reliving the story and characters and highlights of the 6 movies.
The only low point of the evening was the choise of the narrator who linked the individual segments. Anthony Daniels the guy who played C3P0 - was almost creaming himself over the fact that he was given the chance to present this massive event. I think he just loved himself a little too much - which made him cold and unpleasant. We all agreed he should have been replaced by James Earl Jones (the voice of Darth Vader). Imagine!!!!!!
None the less - despite Daniels - this event was an incredible musical and visual experience. We left singin and humming the famous melodies - and haven't stopped since.
Da da da daaaaaaa da!!!!
Right - i saw these (slightly drunken) guys doing sports in the tube station last night - they had a bit of a competition going on and asked me what was more impressive: The handstand or those push ups? I couldnt quite decide - what do you think?
Ok, this article could be endless - as it kind of deals with the oooooooooold question of "Is there a God?" Not only when they're stoned or on mushrooms - people seem to discuss this matter since the invention of the idea that one man/woman/being is the creator of everything.
And as we know we can split mankind in two fronts - the Believers - and their counterparts the Atheists.
The latter ones recently started a very interesting ad campaign - visible to everyone on London's red buses. It said "There's probably no God. So stop worrying and enjoy your life."
For any Believer this must have felt like getting hit in the face with a big old dusty book. The slogan launched by a group called Atheist Bus Campaign suggest that anyone believing in God is a pathetic saddo! A bold statement this group intends to go international with at the moment.
The ironic thing is that although the Bible says "If someone strikes you on the cheek, offer him the other one as well" (Luke 6:29) the Christian Party failed to do so - and gave in to the temptation to strike back!
And O' Boy! Did they hit back!!! They have taken all their anger and grief about those blasphemic atheists and contered with...well... with an ad...on the red London busses!
And it stated in the very same style as the Atheist one: "There definitely is a God! So join the Christian Party! And enjoy your life!"
Wow - what a retaliation! With a slogan that presents you with the answer to all our many disputes and arguments. THERE IS GOD!!! DEFINITELY! and THAT'S why you HAVE to join the Christian Party!
At least I can cut my article short now. All questions answered! Thanks Christian Party!
That's EXACTLY how a MISSING dog looks like!
Yesterday I went to an amazing artfair called Kinetica. This is an MUST SEE annual event dedicated to kinetic, electronic and new media art - which means you see a lot of very inventive stuff that makes you wonder around in awe or just puts a smile on your face. You can see bizarre machines, 3D-television and some impressive light and sound installations.
One of the best ideas came from an artist called Chris O'Shea who developed an interactive light project - in which the spots of a few dozen red police lights installed on the floor where following your every step. People just turned into little kids walking around.
Giles Walker must have seen the Bjork-video with the kissing robots - of which his lapdancing and deejaying robots reminded me a lot . Maybe not as inventive as other work at the Kinetica but defnit one that everyone will remember.
But my favourite object of the exhibition was a robotic bird by the artist called Tim Lewis. The bird looked at the first glance like a small ostrich. But at the second glance you realised it was made of 3 robotic arms in form of human arms - two working as legs and one as the head. It walked and moved like a real bird. What impressed me was that although i knew it was an android - i felt immediately an emotional connection. It really made me think how easy it maybe one day will be to replace real pets with robots.
There are a lot of really clever ideas and projects which you will probably not see anywhere else. It is 100% worth £5 for the entrance.
But you gotta hurry it's only open til 2 March 09.
Venue: P3, 35 Marylebone Rd. London NW1 (just opposite Bakeloo Station), Open Monday: 9am-4pm
The music I used in the video comes from Cuebit - check out his beautiful tunes on www.myspace.com/cuebit
P.S.: For more info about the artists click on the following images!
Giles Walker's erotic Androids.
I loved this futuristic light installation by wrap3!
Chris O'Shea's light installation was a hit with the audience.
Peter Bosch and Simone Simons created by far the loudest art of the night: madly vibrating boxes.
Adrian Baynes' Wall of Eyes followed your every move.