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Entries by itchy i (730)

Fake it, Baby!

Forget the gym or dieting, or healthy eating! Just forget taking care of your body in general. Just wreck it up as much as you can - Plastic Surgery will fix it. It can also give you confidence and help you finding your soulmate who prefers you with bigger boobs.

Fake what your mama gave you!

You never know...

...these days, if this is a new "crazy" off-the-wall-ooh-let's-try-to-be-different-ad campaign or just pure vandalism combined with the common lazy-hearted attitude to fix things in this country.

Atomic Tree

What a strong image! An old tree and the mushroom of a nuclear explosion. Isn't it bizarre how beautiful both are?
I believe both resemble the incarnation of what some people describe as the power of God. It shows the two opposed facettes of the universe - good and evil - and that both can be perceived as perfectly beautiful in their own rights.

But it also shows how similar the most different objects can be in a purely geometrical way. Which is a clear indicator for the idea that the universe follows one ultimate set of laws: The laws of Maths. Or to put it in other words: God is Maths = Maths is God.

Face in a Place of the Day

Wrapped Wrecked Bicycle 

I found this a few weeks before Christmas. I couldn't quite believe what I saw - that someone spent ages to Christmas-wrap a whole bike skelleton! It didn't make sense to me - and that's why I loved it!