Entries by itchy i (730)
What remains of the summer?

Terrorism for Beginners?

Saw that one in Birmingham. What's happening there? Learn how to make Molotov Cocktails and build booby trap bombs for bankers?

Bike Murder

First I thought someone was killed here when I passed this bike covered in yellow tape one morning.
But then on closer inspection I saw that I fell for a clever marketing idea. Damn it, just as they intended it!

Little London Fields Festival

Last weekend London gave birth to the loud screaming Little London Fields Festival - in the park with the same name. My friend Scarlet was involved in bringing it to live. She said the whole thing was organised by just a handful of people and a mini budget. With their passion and hard work plus the help of volunteers and bands who played for booze instead of money - they managed to pull of a FREE fun fest that I hope will flourish and grow in the coming years. So the "Little" one will become BIG! But please: Don't grow up!!!
As you can tell from the photos - the Londoners loved it.