Entries by itchy i (730)

That's wow and slowmotion in one word. Not much more needs to be said to this beautiful video directed and produced by Philip Heron and James Adair.
Tempus II from Philip Heron on Vimeo.
Check out heronproductions.co.uk for more.
Class System

Even Street Seats seem to have one. It should be abolished. Where is Chair Guevara when you need him!?! (ouch, sorry for that bad line - ai ai ai)

Chin Wag

The other day I ve learned what a chin wag is. The two ladies here were propper wagging their's.

Boom Boom BLU

He's done another video. And yes - again: It is a masterpiece.
Stop Motion Movie Legend BLU has released his latest creation - this time dedicated to the Evolution of Life. Highly entertaining and full of little but great ideas. Genius!
Check out blublu.org for all his work.
Flip it, Baby!

Cool song - with a cool photo-based idea from a Dutch band called Kraak&Smaak. Thanks Reece for recommending them to me.