an itchy i on the most inspiring stuff from internet
Entries by itchy i (22)
Down is Up

Such a simple idea which makes me think why have I never seen this done before? Bruton Stroube turns his model upside down and then takes their photos.
Looks so grippingly awkward!
Check out his series Upside Downey Faces.

These truly imaginative images from Tim MacPherson make me wanna be a child again. Brilliant ideas. It took me a few seconds to see that the motorbike actually wasn't a motorbike at all.
Check out his webpage. www.timmacpherson.com
Living Walls

555 KUBIK | facade projection | from urbanscreen on Vimeo.
I really like this concept here. Giving life to the outer surface of a building by projecting computer graphics over it is defnit some I wished I'd see more often. What about turning a whole city for a week into a semi virtual re-invented version of itself? Everything transforms constantly. There are so many boring structures in pretty much every city. Why not turning concrete blocks into living colourful creatures from a different universe?
These guys from urbanscreen have some cool ideas. For example this one here where they've turned a building into an interactive flipper video game.
Pinwall | interactive facade pinball | urban screening from urbanscreen on Vimeo.
This reminds me of a at the time ground breaking installation called Blinkenlights by the Chaos Computer Club in 2001 in Berlin. They created a simple dot-matrix on the Haus des Lehrers building right next to the Alexanderplatz. By installing 8 times 18 lamps behind the windows which were connected to a computer they were able to display simple messages, graphics and animations.
But for me the best thing was the possiblity to play Pong - the classic video game - on it too. You had to ring a phone number with your mobile phone which then connected you to their computer. By pressing 2 for up and 8 for down you could play the game standing in front of a 18 storey high screen. I remember being completely blown away by this idea!
If you fancy finding out more about it check out http://metaebene.com/blinkenlights
Do the right (brain) thing!

Jill Bolte Taylor during her stirring speech which resulted in standing ovations from the audience.I just discovered this unforgettable video of a talk from Brain Scientist Jill Bolte Taylor in which she describes what happened when a massive stroke hit her. I tell you: These are some of the most moving 18 minutes and 41 seconds of speech I watched in my entire life!
In a truly unique presentation I heard the answers to a question I have asked myself for a long time. Why some people seem so creative, sensitive, warmhearted, free-spirited positive beings who want to be in peaceful unity with the universe while others are much more rational, logical, methodical self-centered individuals?
The reasons for that lie within our brains which consist out of two halves with completely different ways of "ticking". The right hemisphere is the free spirit - while the left hemisphere is the rational thinker. And some people are born as Left and some as Right Brainers or as a combination of both.
The two halves couldnt work any more different. Free Spirit versus Logical Thinker. They define who and how we are.The interesting thing about this video is that Jill as a brain scientist had the chance to study on her very own body how the brain works. She vividly describes how she experienced a heavy stroke where an exploded blood vessel in her left brain switched off the logical voice in her. It gave her the most incredible rush of happiness and the feeling that she was one with the universe. She watched as her brain functions like speech, motion, self-awareness shut down one by one.
In a truly mesmerising way she describes how this life-threatening experience made her understand what potentially amazing creatures human beings are and how wonderful our planet could be if we would just listen more often to our right brain.
This is a serious must watch for everyone. Peace and Love! Be a Righty!
Check out www.ted.com for more inspiring informative videos about our universe.
Pasting the Past

The Past is in your hand: I discovered a blog yesterday with these brilliant photos. Unfortunately it didn't say who took them. So sadly I can't credit anyone for them. But I love the idea! I found a group on flickr that dedicated itself to taking photos in the same style. It is called "Looking into the Past". If you like it go check them out here>>
Touchable Holography

The idea of Holography is something that always amazed me. And I really hope that one day we will have the technology to produce hole holographic worlds - like in Star Trek - The Next Generation, where you can enter a room called the Holo-Deck in which you can create any visual-, audio- and touch-sensation you want. You can ride a dinosaur or fly on an eagle, become part of any historic event or fictional story. Everything feels and looks so authentic that you couldnt differ betwen reality and holography.
Now when I saw this video here, I thought humans might have come a little step closer to achieving this Sci-Fi dream.
The Shinoda Lab at the University of Tokyo developed a system that combines a holographic projection which reacts to your hand movements. By adding multiple thin "rays" of highly compressed ultrasonic air you can then feel for example the virtual raindrops falling onto your hands.
Or you can bounce a virtual ball and feel the sensation it creates when it "touches" your palm.
I am truly amazed.
Abandoned Beauties

Picture by Kevin BaumanI stumbled across a great photo project by a photographer called Kevin Bauman. He photographed 100 abandoned houses he found in the neigbourhoods of Detroit. Apperently this wasn't difficult as the city is going through a rough economical period which caused a lot of people to move away from once healthy neigbourhoods. More than 12.000 homes are awaiting their judgement day.
Although it is a very sad fact - I always felt there is something exceptional beautiful about abandoned places - i believe one can feel the energy and the spirits of the people who once lived and worked there - something that Kevin has masterfully managed to capture in his photos.
Have a look on www.100abandonedhouses.com
One Sheep = Pixel => Incredible Animation Video!

These guys are wicked!!! They used sheep as pixels and then animated them with help of their dogs! This is totally a brand new jawdropping idea! I looooove it! (I m not sure if it is all real - but even if not - the idea remains brilliant)
Lost and Found Orchestra - Defnit A Keeper!

The guys from stomp, managed to come up with something even more powerful! They created a full orchestra out of things that other people throw away! I'm so gutted that I've missed it when it started here in London - but when it comes back - I m not making the same mistake again! It's one of the things you need to see before you kick the bucket!
United Colours of Chameleon

Nature is sooo incredible! Look at this phenomenal colour adaptation! It makes me wonder what would happen if you would put a chameleon in front of a TV? Or a photograph of itself?
This is the Chiselle! - Incredible Street Art

With such an overload of great street art - it takes quite a bit to make me feel in awe. This is one good example. An artist called Vhis chiselled it out of the wall!!!
He took part at Cans Festival (love that name!) an street art festival near Waterloo Station last year.
Photo from Alexandre Farto aka Vhis - http://alexandrefarto.com
Green Card

Part of me is a Graphic Designer and loves creating business cards. I just discovered this genius card from a company called Tur&Partner - who are - you might have guessed it - landscape architects.
Add water and light and it turns green!
Chalk Trails

This kicks your arse back into the Stoneage! Best Art EVER!!!

This is some of the most amazing work of art I have EVER seen! I've never seen so many visual ideas squeezed into one video and done with such an incredible ammount of dedication and time. Click here to find out more>>
MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
The Beauty Of Tilt Shift Photography - Now even as Music Video!!!

It's all REAL! A short depth of focus is important to trick our minds - photo by www.cityshrinker.comTilt shift photography plays tricks with your mind - you look at a photo of a model train set - only to realise it is actually all REAL life people and trains and cars - BUT they look like toy models!!!
You can create this effect by using some clever in-camera and/or Photoshop tricks: Adding some shallow depth of focus - plus also the right angle and light and the subject itself are key to this technique. If you wanna know how click here>>
Also the angle, light and object need to be right - to make the trickery work.
There are quite a few photographers out there doing this. Here is a page with 50 examples - some are good some others don't quite work - which shows that the technique is not that easy to get right.
Today I saw for the first time that someone used Tilt Shift in a video! It's absolutely gorgeous!
This guy Keith Loutit mastered to adapt this style in motion pictures by adding a stop-motion effect on the filmed material and also by adding the same Photoshop effects afterwards. Here some of his incredible videos:
Bathtub IV from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.
Mardi Gras from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.
Check out Keith's webpage: www.keithloutit.com
This is the End of the World

Not often a video showing complete and utter destruction of our Earth looked so beautiful and sad at the same time. After it was finished I stopped breathing for a few seconds.
Music produced with Sampled YouTube Videos!

Kutiman produces his own tracks by stitching together short bites of videos he found on YouTube. Really clever and really well done!
Check more of his stuff on his website: http://thru-you.com/#
Eye Tree

I just stumbled across this photo. Put a smile on my face. I discovered it on a quite cool site from the Wooster Collective dedicated to showcasing street art places around the world.
Seeing without eyes!

"No one can call me blind! I can see more with my fingers than sighted people can see with their eyes!"
This is a video about a painter who was born without eyes. Although he's never seen light - he paints images in colour and with incredible detail! Scientists try to find out how that is possible. An eyeopening video!