My heart beats for the elderly ladies and their unseperatable push trolleys. They are a remarkable duo, seen on many ocassions in the UK and Germany - I still need to find out if that phenomenon is just restricted to these two countries.
So if you know that you cand find them in other countries too, please tell me!
Without many words - these images tell stories. During the last two years I've photographed hundreds of grannies and their trolleys, in all colours and shades (well saying that - most trolleys come interestingly in that burbery style checkerboard coating).
Sometimes using my little mobile phone camera, or my little digitial camera which I always carry around with me and sometimes my SLR.
I always found remarkable how much the trolley seem to have become a partner in their lifes.
I imagine that maybe in a sad way they trolley might be the only one that is left to hold onto.
But then again - I believe they are just very practical as well - as you can see in this photo.
The dog in the trolley - how brilliant?
Reader Comments (3)
Looking back, I recall trolleys are seemingly quite commonly seen everywhere when I used to travel around, from Taipei to NYC, from Athens to Paris or even Madrid or Palermo.
Perhaps it’s become sort of essentials and that’s why there are so many types of trolleys. I believe there should be some figures showing how many of them sold worldwide in a year.
I don’t use or even have a one.
But I think things might be a bit different here from your observation during the daily life in the town.
While they might be a partner to grannies in London; they actually may be of much help to some hot young mums here as I quite often see them shopping with a trolley in the street market on weekends!
Thanks so much for your little insight. I especially like the fact that also hot mummies are using them. Maybe you can take some photos and I ll post them here as well? haha.
But knowing I can find trolleys around the whole world feels me with excitement about the many photos I ll be able to take in my future.
Those old-lady trolleys are quite common in Australia- I can remember seeing them way back in the 1960s. Here in Adelaide, South Australia they are used by people of all ages at the Central Markets as an alternative to dozens of bags for fruit and vegies! On the streets they are a little more common than in the past. Bus drivers will still get out of their seat (illegally) and lift the old dears' trolleys onto the bus for them here. I must lurk with my camera and get some shots to check out the "bad tartan" design glitch!