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Entries by itchy i (1)

Grannies with Trolleys

My heart beats for the elderly ladies and their unseperatable push trolleys. They are a remarkable duo, seen on many ocassions in the UK and Germany - I still need to find out if that phenomenon is just restricted to these two countries.

So if you know that you cand find them in other countries too, please tell me!

Without many words - these images tell stories. During the last two years I've photographed hundreds of grannies and their trolleys, in all colours and shades (well saying that - most trolleys come interestingly in that burbery style checkerboard coating).

Sometimes using my little mobile phone camera, or my little digitial camera which I always carry around with me and sometimes my SLR.

I always found remarkable how much the trolley seem to have become a partner in their lifes.

I imagine that maybe in a sad way they trolley might be the only one that is left to hold onto.

But then again - I believe they are just very practical as well - as you can see in this photo.

The dog in the trolley - how brilliant?